
The Guide to CRM for Manufacturing

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What business results are you going to get from reading our guide to Customer Relationship Management?

Our guide will show you how a single view of your manufacturing company can accelerate customer relationship management (CRM) and give you critical insights into your business.

We work daily with manufacturing businesses like yours and we want to share one of the most important things we’ve learned over more than 800 projects.

Just about all manufacturing businesses want two things:


  • better collaboration between their teams (for example between sales and marketing)
  • and a single view of the customer journey so that any person who might deal with that customer has a full record of their interactions with the company over time, wherever or however they took place.

What underlying business challenges does a CRM system address at your organisation?


We have noticed that:

  • Large or established organisations often have business processes that ensure a consistent client experience. Smaller businesses that may have grown quickly, however, don’t have those processes. Often parts of them are in people’s heads.
  • The challenge is everyone works in different ways, often in silos, with little visibility of what others are doing.
  • There is certainly no single view across departments of the manufacturer’s interaction with any given customer over the lifetime of their relationship.
  • So almost all parts of the business are missing important pieces of customer information. There are missing records on sales or complaints, and they just won't have a full picture of the customer they're dealing with at the moment it’s needed.
  • Watch our webinar "How Manufacturing Companies Are Using CRM and Marketing Software" for more.

What solution does a CRM system offer?

By having all your data in one central place, your operations and executive team can very quickly get visibility of crucial data like:

CRM for manufacturing business

Case Study - CRM implementation at a paper manufacturer

We recently worked with a paper manufacturing business. Its main challenge was Sales Teams managing clients on two separate spreadsheets. The result was duplicate orders, and the colleagues calling the same client twice. So Cloud9 delivered a single solution for managing clients in a single view


  • The company was much better equipped to track inventory in real time and accurately plan the supply of materials into the business
  • Better sales data meant sales team members could look at available capacity so they could give clients and prospects reliable information on potential orders and timescales for delivery.
  • By using a CRM system, sales people were suddenly committing the important information in their heads to the electronic page in a way that was useful to their colleagues. Any sale could suddenly be handled by any team member, meaning if the lead owner was indisposed, his or her colleagues could move the sale along.